Thursday, October 20, 2011

Take time to smell the roses...

So busy this week!  Coached Girls on the Run this morning and our lesson for the girls was all about slowing down and taking a minute or more for ourselves.  To re energize our minds, bodies and hearts. Maybe its the overload of technology and media, surrounding us wherever we go.  Being so visual I feel I may be super sensitive to this, but most of us don't take that minute to ourselves.  I have filled my schedule and am trying to meet a bunch of deadlines, so I slowed down today, made a list and got through it by putting some other things to the side (not to be forgotten though).  One task at a time, seemed to do the trick!

“Always remember to slow down in life; live, breathe, and learn; take a look around you whenever you have time and never forget everything and every person that has the least place within your heart.”


A Photoshop collage with the quote from above.  I downloaded the face from Deviant Scrap (, a free clip art download found in a Somerset Digital catalog.  Great for practicing my Photoshop skills.  The background is a painting of my own. 

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