Friday, March 18, 2011

First Etsy Sale!

I am super excited! I created the new etsy shop and sold the HOME letters.  I attached self-leveling hooks on the back and am excited to get them shipped out on Saturday morning.  I'm also working on creating a two new pieces for a friend from high school.  I have them almost done, but am thinking they need a little something else.  It's hard when you get to the point where you feel like you are almost finished, and don't want to go overboard. 
If I could find some more honeycomb, that would make the week! I'm going to have to search the backyard for some this weekend.  It makes great texture, but the more I use it the more it is deteriorating. 

Friday is almost here, well I guess it's midnight so it is here.  My goal for creating something every day has been reached, now I need to tackle balancing adding in going to the gym or a walk at least three times a week, with out giving up on my art to become obsessed with that.
Balance is maybe the toughest thing about be a responsible adult!  Life is great though.

Also I think I figured out the eye problem on my girl.  I titled it "Imagination". 

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